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Family Tree

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Uncover your family tree

Learn more about your ancestry.

We offer three standard packages at fixed prices to our customers.
Reconstruction of any family tree begins with the oldest ancestor about whom you have solid information. We call him: the Starting Ancestor.
family tree


  • Family tree in ascending straight line starting from your last known ancestor back of
    three generations.
  • +14 new direct ancestors
  • +90 years back in time
  • Civil records, and Church records if available
job delivery estimate
family tree


  • Family tree in ascending straight line starting from your last known ancestor back of
    four generations.
  • +30 new direct ancestors
  • +120 years back in time
  • Civil records, and Church records if available
job delivery estimate
family tree


  • Family tree in ascending straight line starting from your last known ancestor back of
    five generations.
  • +62 new direct ancestors
  • +150 years back in time
  • Civil records, and Church records if available
job delivery estimate

Explore our additional services

Surname tree reconstruction, direct or indirect ancestry research, military service records, grave research, native home research. We can research anything you want.
family tree

Surname Tree

  • We collect every marriage record of every individual with your surname within a community, and then connect all the individuals to each other in search of the founding core.
  • +150 ancestors
  • +300 years back in time
  • Civil records or Church records if available
job delivery estimate
family tree

Indirect Ancestors

  • Do you want to research just your direct ancestors – your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents - or do you also want to learn about their siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles?
  • -
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  • Civil records, and Church records if available
job delivery estimate
family tree

Other Services

  • We can go even deeper into the lives of your ancestors. Did they fight in theaters of war? Does the house they lived in still exist? What is the location of their gravestone?
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  • Civil records
job delivery estimate

We provide full service

Each package includes a research report, a family tree chart, documents in the original language, and a long-term service dedicated to understanding the work.
research report


Here's what our research report looks like.

Research Report
The report collects all research information, organized for easy understanding.
family tree


Here's what our family tree chart looks like.

Family Tree Chart
The family tree chart represents the synthesis of all the research work.
original records


This is what the original records we collect look like.

Original Records
The original records are the documents that certify the truthfulness of the reconstruction work.

Ready to start?

Project feasibility consultation is free of charge.

Professional Assistance
Our long-term support begins the moment we deliver your family tree.


Not sure what information to send us?
Learn everything you need to know to make a perfect first contact.

Want to discuss your new project?

Our terms and conditions are specifically designed for the best customer experience and the genuine appreciation of our services provided.